Horror Channel: nuovo canale su Sky dal 6 Settembre (la programmazione)

A partire dal 6 settembre arriva finalmente anche in Italia Horror Channel. Ad ospitare il nuovo canale sarà la piattaforma Sky(sul canale 134): la programmazione di Horror Channel, che sarà 24 ore su 24, dedicherà spazio ai classici e alle produzioni indipendenti, dirette e speciali sui festival internazionali dedicati al genere, interviste ai grandi maestri e agli esordienti e molto altro ancora.

Adam Robinson, direttore della versione inglese, ha dichiarato: “Siamo felici che Horror Channel arrivi in Italia, patria di numerosi talenti della grande tradizione horror come Dario Argento e Lamberto Bava e di quelli più giovani come Michele Soavi e Federico Zampaglione. La forza del canale è coinvolgere coloro che fanno film e coloro che li amano.”

Ecco un esempio di programmazione del canale inglese (tratto dal sito horrorchannel.co.uk):

12:00 Stephen King’s The Dead Zone 

Series 2, Episode 14

Superb supernatural drama series based on the novel by Stephen King. Johnny has a vision of a terrible plague stemming from a science fair, and must convince the authorities to take action. s2 ep14/19
13:00 The New Twilight Zone 

Series 1, Episode 12

Scientists miraculously create life within their holographic projector invention. A frustrated professor accidentally invokes the devil to steal his soul, but he has 3 chances to be spared. s1 ep12/24
14:00 The Lost World 

Series 1, Episode 16

Action adventure series based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic novel. A group of explorers become stranded in a place of hostile beauty. S1, Ep1/22
15:00 Friday The 13th 

Series 3, Episode 9

Spine-tingling horror series following the efforts of two cousins to recover cursed antiques that often lead their owners to death and suffering.
16:00 Velocity Trap 
1997, Certificate PG

Awesome sci-fi action. As millions of dollars are transported through a desolate area of space, ruthless bad guys are planning the perfect crime, but one man and lots of explosions stand in their way.
18:00 The New Twilight Zone 

Series 1, Episode 12

Scientists miraculously create life within their holographic projector invention. A frustrated professor accidentally invokes the devil to steal his soul, but he has 3 chances to be spared. s1 ep12/24
19:00 The Lost World 

Series 1, Episode 16

Action adventure series based on Sir Arthur Conan Doyle’s classic novel. A group of explorers become stranded in a place of hostile beauty. S1, Ep1/22
20:00 Friday The 13th 

Series 3, Episode 9

Spine-tingling horror series following the efforts of two cousins to recover cursed antiques that often lead their owners to death and suffering.
21:00 Zombie Town 
2007, Certificate 18

Flesh-munching fight for survival. In a remote small town a parasitic plague transforms the population into brain-chomping zombies. Can a group of friends fight off the shuffling undead hoards?
22:45 Interview: Dario Argento – Demons 

An interview with acclaimed cult film maker Dario Argento.

22:55 Crushed 
2009, Certificate 18

Tense tale of a woman scorned. After a one night stand with his neighbour Tara, Ray calls a halt to any further romance, but Tara has other ideas, and goes to tortuous extremes to fight for her man.
00:40 Bundy 
2002, Certificate 18

Shocking true story of Ted Bundy, one of America’s most prolific and notorious serial killers. The handsome one-time law student killed at least 19 young women throughout the ’70s.
02:35 Bride of Re-Animator 
1990, Certificate 18

Cult favourite horror sequel. When Dr. West discovers he can revive individual human body parts, he sets about creating the perfect woman to house the heart of his associate’s dead ex-girlfriend.
04:30 ..programmes start at 12.00pm 
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